
Aptaclub Feed Their Future

The agency’s brief to us was simple … make it beautiful.

The Brief

The Real Adventure asked us to partner with them to create a glossy, emotive film to take pride of place on the Aptaclub website. The film explores what a child may become in the future,  and how important good nutrition is to this development.

The Creative

Sometimes simple can be beautiful and that’s exactly what we wanted with this healthcare film. Adorable babies in the best possible lighting captured on the highest-end kit were the order of the day.

We worked with a world-renowned Director of Photography and put our efforts into relaxed and natural performances from the children.

All this was backed up with considered sound design to bring the babies’ future to life.

The video was launched and seeded by The Real Adventure and took centre stage on the Aptaclub homepage.

The Results

1.2 million views and 3 awards underline the quality of this film and the creative approach that was taken.

Say Hello

If you’ve got a project in mind, or just want to have a chat, please get in touch